Sunday, September 23, 2007

ManifesTO wrap up...

Sunday September 23rd 2007 was the final day of ManifesTO's inaugural event.

The event started at 8am for me. On arrival I set about to getting the graffiti wall in place. Using event fencing systems from Modulok, we secured 19 canvas in a row to create a 70 foot wall for the selected local artists to paint.
By noon all the artists had begun painting, and unfortunately I came to realize my camera's batteries were dead-so unfortunately I wasn't able to capture the painting process, although photos will be available soon.
(I'll make an official post when the press images form the event become available.)

A Blank wall of Canvas

Eventually I managed to run home and put my Camera on the charger for a half hour and get the finished pieces...
manifesTO 2007 featured the work of Local Artists:







HSA Crew

BGK by Slon (ArtChild Painting in background)

Since My camera was out of commission for most of the day I only really got a few concert shots beause I was busy supervising the graffiti area..

MasiaOne performing as "MayJah1 and the RedStripes"

The Flagpole @ nathan Phillips Square (City Hall)

A perfect Fall afternoon on the steps of Toronto City Hall

I caught more video than photos after dark, just because the lighting seemed to be workign better in video...I'll be uploading a ton of video to my youtube account as over the next day or so...
Here's a good shot of Zaki Ibrahim & friends.

Video's on their way next....

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